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Two Scrapbook Friends

A warm welcome to you from the staff of Two Scrapbook Friends! We know how valuable your time is at a retreat and we would like to offer you 2 different ways of helping you make the most of your retreat time! We have come up with 2 ways of shopping with us that we would like to offer you. These offers are extended to Springhouse Retreat guests only. If you have booked a retreat at Springhouse you have the opportunity to either:

1. Have your purchases delivered to Springhouse. If you indicate the date of your arrival on your online order, we will deliver your group's purchases to Springhouse Retreat, free of charge. Your purchases will be individually bagged and available when you arrive.


- Place your order through our online store
- When checking out you must choose "in store pick-up" so that you are not charged shipping.  In the comments section, you need to indicate the date of your arrival at Springhouse and that you would like your order delivered to the Retreat house.
- One delivery per group
- Mon to Fri deliveries unless otherwise arranged
- Minimum group order of $350 before tax for delivery service
- Orders will be bagged individually with your name clearly marked on the package.



2. Special store hours just for you! Currently our store is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10am to 5pm. But, if you have a retreat booked and would like to come on the Friday of your stay, please contact us to arrange a private shopping experience for your group.  


- If arrangements are made ahead of your visit, you can choose to come on Friday from 10am to 2pm (this would be private shopping hours as we are not open to the public for shopping on Fridays).  Please call us to make arrangements.

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